High Availability for Tekton Pipelines Controller on OpenShift Pipeline 1.10 and 1.11

High Availability for Tekton Pipelines Controller

If you want to run Tekton Pipelines to support high concurrent workload scenarios, you need to follow following steps to enable high availability for tekton-pipelines-controller. With this approach, you divide the workqueue in buckets, and each replica owns a subset of those buckets and process the load if that replica is the leader of that bucket.

NOTE: High Availability support for tekton-pipelines-controller has been added in OpenShift Pipelines from v1.10.0 onwards.

Enable High Availability With Operator on OpenShift:

  1. First, specify the number of buckets across which you want to distribute workqueue. The maximum supported value for bucket is 10. You need to update the config CR with the required number of buckets.

oc edit tektonconfig config
apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
    name: config
            disable-ha: false
            buckets: < buckets required >
  1. This step is only required for OpenShift Pipelines releases 1.10.x and 1.11.0. This is not required for v1.11.1 onwards.

Now grab the list of all the tektoninstallerset available

oc get tektoninstallerset | grep pipeline-main-deployment

pipeline-main-deployment-45m2s                   True

Now edit the installerset which we got in previous command for removing one fields on tekton-pipelines-controller which is available in spec.manifests (This is required every time you do any change related to pipeline on tektonconfig)

Remove the disable-ha flag in the args of container of tekton-pipelines-controller

oc edit tektoninstallerset pipeline-main-deployment-45m2s
apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonInstallerSet
        operator.tekton.dev/target-namespace: openshift-pipelines
    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
          name: tekton-pipelines-controller
                  - args:
                    - -disable-ha
                    - "false"            <<<< these two lines needs to be removed >>>>
  1. Next step is to scale the tekton-pipelines-controller for having more replicas. (This is also recommended to not have more than 10 replicas)

oc -n openshift-pipelines scale deployment/tekton-pipelines-controller --replicas=<no of replicas requires>
  1. Now delete the existing leases so that old replica removes hold and new leases gets created which get acquired by different replicas.

oc delete -n openshift-pipelines $(oc get leases -n openshift-pipelines -o name | grep tekton-pipelines-controller)


  • If by chance the leases are not properly divided over multiple pods, you can try recreating them.

  • Configmap config-leader-election is by default getting used in knative controllers. So the change in data of this gets read by all other components too. It is fixed for pipelines-controller in 1.11.1 and for others in 1.12.0

  • Need to modify tektoninstallerset (step 2) is a bug which is fixed in 1.11.1

Disable High Availability With Operator on OpenShift:

  1. First, scale down the tekton-pipelines-controller for replica 1

oc -n openshift-pipelines scale deployment/tekton-pipelines-controller --replicas=1
  1. Now remove the bucket field on the TektonConfig CR to remove the workqueue distribution

oc edit tektonconfig config
apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
    name: config
            disable-ha: false
  1. Next is to delete the dangling leases which were acquired previously by the replicas

oc delete -n openshift-pipelines $(oc get leases -n openshift-pipelines -o name | grep tekton-pipelines-controller)
  1. And to completely disable leader election and not creating leases for tekton-pipelines-controller pod, you can set disable-ha to true in TektonConfig CR (This is true in OpenShift Pipelines releases v1.10.x and v1.11.0 because of bug)

oc edit tektonconfig config
apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
    name: config
            disable-ha: true