Hashicorp Integration with Tekton Chains

In this doc, we will be running Chains Signed Provenance Tutorial using kms solution by integrating Tekton Chains with Hashicorp Vault


  • Hashicorp vault should be installed

  • This provider also requires that the transit secret engine is enabled

  • If not done, you can login into the vault provider and run the following command

$ vault secrets enable transit
  Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/
  • You can get more info about transit secrets here

  • Make sure Tekton Pipelines and Tekton Chains is installed through the Openshift Pipelines Operator

Chains Signed Provenance Tutorial using kms solution by integrating with Hashicorp Vault

Step 1: Generate a Key Pair

This provider requires that the standard Vault environment variables ($VAULT_ADDR, $VAULT_TOKEN) are set correctly.

$ vault secrets enable transit  ---> Ignore if you have already done

Now run the following command

$ cosign generate-key-pair --kms hashivault://$keyname


  • If you enabled transit secret engine at different path with the use of -path flag (i.e., $ vault secrets enable -path=someotherpath transit), you can use TRANSIT_SECRET_ENGINE_PATH environment variable to specify this path while generating a key pair like the following:

In that case the command will be

$ TRANSIT_SECRET_ENGINE_PATH="someotherpath" cosign generate-key-pair --kms hashivault://$keyname

Step 2: Set up Authenticaion

There are two forms of authentication that need to be set up:

  1. The Chains controller will be pushing signatures to an OCI registry using the credentials linked to your TaskRun’s service account. See our authentication doc

  2. The Kaniko Task that will build and push the image needs push permissions for your registry.

To set up auth for the Kaniko Task, you’ll need a Kubernetes secret of a docker config.json file which contains the required auth. You can create the secret by running:

kubectl create secret generic [DOCKERCONFIG_SECRET_NAME] --from-file [PATH TO CONFIG.JSON]

Step 3: Configuring Tekton Chains

You’ll need to make these changes to the Tekton Chains Config:

  • artifacts.taskrun.format: slsa/v1

  • artifacts.taskrun.storage: oci

  • artifacts.taskrun.signer: kms

  • artifacts.pipelinerun.signer: kms

  • artifacts.oci.signer: kms

  • transparency.enabled: ``true''

  • signers.kms.kmsref: hashivault://$keyname

  • signers.kms.auth.address: <VAULT_ADDR>

  • signers.kms.auth.token: <VAULT_TOKEN>

You can add the above changes to the TektonConfig CR and correspondingly chains-config configMap will be updated by the operator

Step 4: Start the Kaniko Task

  • First apply the

oc apply -f examples/kaniko/kaniko.yaml

Substitute with the URI or file path to your Kaniko task.

  • Set the following enviornment variables:

export REGISTRY=<url_of_registry>
export DOCKERCONFIG_SECRET_NAME=<name_of_the_secret_in_docker_config_json>

Substitute with the URL of the registry where you want to push the image. Substitute with the name of the secret in the docker config.json file.

  • Start the Kaniko Task

tkn task start --param IMAGE=$REGISTRY/kaniko-chains --use-param-defaults --workspace name=source,emptyDir="" --workspace name=dockerconfig,secret=$DOCKERCONFIG_SECRET_NAME kaniko-chains
  • Wait for a minute to allow Tekton Chains to generate the provenance and sign it, and then check the availability of the chains.tekton.dev/signed=true annotation on the task run.

oc get tr <task_run_name> -o json | jq -r .metadata.annotations
    "chains.tekton.dev/signed": "true",

Step 5: Verify the image and the attestation

cosign verify --key cosign.pub $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains
cosign verify-attestation --key cosign.pub --type slsaprovenance $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains

or you can use the hashivault://$keyname as key as well

cosign verify --key hashivault://$keyname $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains
cosign verify-attestation --key hashivault://$keyname --type slsaprovenance $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains

The output would be like this

Verification for index.docker.io/puneet2147/kaniko-chains:latest --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - The claims were present in the transparency log
  - The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
  - The signatures were verified against the specified public key

[{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":"index.docker.io/puneet2147/kaniko-chains"},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:e14396b283abcbacddba403a923a7fdecf2c54537a1d6a1ee1076767bec742d1"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":null}]

Verification for docker.io/puneet2147/kaniko-chains --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - The claims were present in the transparency log
  - The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
  - The signatures were verified against the specified public key